Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evolution Is A Highly Argumentative Topic, Today s Society

Payne 1 Jared Payne English 11 Mrs. Brown 5 December 2014 Pro-evolution: Why? Creation versus evolution is a highly argumentative topic, especially in today’s society. A recent debate, between Bill Nye â€Å"The Science Guy† and Ken Ham, has sparked even more controversy over this particular topic. A poll administered by Gallup shows that forty-six percent of Americans believe God created humans as they are now ten-thousand years ago, and that the only reliable dating system is the Word of God (Lovan 1). Many others believe that humans have evolved into how they are in present times, and that science, and its ways of dating things, is reliable and correct. Evolution wins over creationism because Bill Nye won the debate with Ken Ham,†¦show more content†¦Some say that Nye won, not only with his facts, but with his style (Chowdhury 2). Because Bill Nye is representing evolutionists, Payne 2 and he beat Ham, who is representing creationists, this is one of few signs that signify that evolution beats creation. Another way that evolution wins over creation is that creationist views threaten the science of the United States. With almost half of the United States’ in favor of creation, this could pose a potential threat to US science. Innovation is in jeopardy if everything known about nature and the universe is forgotten by ancient text translated into English. â€Å"’The Earth is not 6,000 or 10,000 years old,’ Nye said in an interview with The Associated Press, citing scientists’ estimates that it is about 4.5 billion years old. ‘It’s not. And if that conflicts with your beliefs, I strongly feel you should question your beliefs.’† â€Å"[Nye also emphasized that] ‘If we raise a generation of students who don’t believe in the process of science . . . you’re not going to continue to innovate’† Bible stories are presented as an alternative to evolution in some states, as approved by lawmakers and school boards. Teachers in Tennessee are protected by a law to let students judge scientific theories, including evolution (Lovan 1). Because creationist views are a threat to the science of the United States, this shows that creationism is harmful to science,

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